Dtrace dynamic tracing facility uses a language, the D language, that users can associate action with probe points and specify when and what additional data to record when a probe is fired. Dtrace动态跟踪工具使用D语言,用户可以使用D语言把动作与探测点关联起来,以及指定什么时候触发探测和在触发时记录哪些数据。
The most common approach has been to enable the DBMS's audit facility to record transactions, then use UNIX scripts, Perl scripts, or C++ code to scrape and parse the logs and create a separate audit database or file. 最常用的方法是启用DBMS的审计设施来记录事务,然后使用UNIX脚本、Perl脚本或C++代码读取并分析日志,创建单独的审计数据库或文件。
The last option that we will specify is the-t option, which will direct the trace facility to capture relative timestamps associated with each trace record. 我们将指定的最后一个选项是-t选项,该选项将指示跟踪功能捕捉与每条跟踪记录相关的相对时间戳。
The facility use record form will be signed by director of sales& marketing for approval. 设备使用申请单由市场销售总监签字批准。